Conferences CIMPA, 8th Latin American Conference on Statistical Computing (LACSC)

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Ericka María Maradiaga

Last modified: 2024-06-19


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% author.tex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % sample root file for your "abstract" to the IFCS 2024 Conference % % Use this file as a template for your own input. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Springer %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % RECOMMENDED %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \documentclass[graybox]{LACSC2024} \usepackage{type1cm} % activate if the above 3 fonts are % not available on your system % \usepackage{makeidx} % allows index generation \usepackage{multicol} % used for the two-column index \usepackage[bottom]{footmisc}% places footnotes at page bottom \usepackage{newtxtext} % \usepackage[varvw]{newtxmath} % selects Times Roman as basic font % DO NOT USE OTHER COMMANDS OR MACROS \makeindex % used for the subject index % please use the style with % your makeindex program %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \title*{TRAFFIC ACCIDENTS IN NICARAGUA.} \titlerunning{Short Title} %for an abbreviated version of your contribution title if the original one is too long \author{PhD. Rostrán Molina Ana Cristina, I; Br. Maradiaga Rivas Ericka María II; Br.Soto Pineda Ángel Daniel III;Ortiz Picado Bismara Daniela.} \authorrunning{Rostrán, et al. } %If there are more than two authors, please, abbreviate the authors' list using 'et al' \vspace{-10pt} \institute{PhD. Rostrán Molina Ana Cristina \at National Autonomous University of Nicaragua,León, Central Building , UNAN León, León 21000, \email{} \vspace{-5pt} \and Br.Maradiaga Rivas Ericka María \at National Autonomous University of Nicaragua,León, Central Building , UNAN León, León 21000 \email{} \vspace{-5pt} \and Br.Soto Pineda Ángel Daniel \at National Autonomous University of Nicaragua,León, Central Building , UNAN León, León 21000 \email{} \vspace{-5pt} \and Br.Ortiz Picado Bismara Daniela \at National Autonomous University of Nicaragua,León, Central Building , UNAN León, León 21000 \email{}} % % Use the package "url.sty" to avoid % problems with special characters % used in your e-mail or web address % \maketitle \vspace{-100pt} % Reduce más el espacio entre los autores y el abstract \abstract{The World Health Organization (2022), traffic accidents are a public health issue. The United Nations (2023) points out that in developing countries, 90\% of traffic accidents are the leading cause of death among children and young people aged 5 to 29. These accidents result in annual losses of 2\% to 5\% of Gross Domestic Product and cause the deaths of 1.3 million and injuries to 50 million people. The total number of traffic accidents that occurred in Nicaragua from 2010 to 2021 was analyzed, as reported by the Nicaraguan National Police and recorded in the database of the Institute of Development Information (INIDE). During the study period, traffic accidents increased by 93\%. The trend of the total number of accidents and total number of injuries is decreasing. However, the total number of fatalities is increasing; therefore, when accidents occur, they tend to be fatal. The multiple regression model with the total number of accidents as the endogenous variable is explained by the age of those involved in traffic accidents and the total number of injuries by gender. This is significant (P=0.000).The variation in one percent of the total number of accidents will be an increase of 96\% in traffic accidents, the variation in one percent of the age of traffic accidents will increase by 5.7\% (ceteris paribus).} \vspace{-7pt} \keywords{accidents; traffic; model.} \vspace{-12pt} %%%%%%% END OF ABSTRACT %%%%%%% FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS \medskip \vspace{-25pt} \begin{thebibliography}{99.}% % % % Use \bibitem to create references. % % Online Document \vspace{-5pt} \bibitem{science-online} OMS.(08/23/2018). World website of the National Health Organization. Obtained from Gender and Health:\\ \url{} \vspace{-1pt} % % Online Document \bibitem{science-online} OMS. (04/06/2022). Press Center. Obtained from Traffic Injuries \\ \url{} \vspace{-1pt} % % Online Document \bibitem{science-online} PLN. (September 2, 2022). National Police . Obtained from Road Emergency Plan. Managua: \\ \url{} \vspace{-1pt} % % Online Document \bibitem{science-online} Nicaraguan National Police. (September 2, 2022). National Road Emergency Plan. Managua: National Police. Obtained from the Nicaraguan National Police: \\ \url{} \vspace{-1pt} \end{thebibliography} \end{document}


accidents, traffic, model.


\begin{thebibliography}{99.}% % % % Use \bibitem to create references. % % Online Document \vspace{-5pt} \bibitem{science-online} OMS.(08/23/2018). World website of the National Health Organization. Obtained from Gender and Health:\\ \url{} \vspace{-1pt} % % Online Document \bibitem{science-online} OMS. (04/06/2022). Press Center. Obtained from Traffic Injuries \\ \url{} \vspace{-1pt} % % Online Document \bibitem{science-online} PLN. (September 2, 2022). National Police . Obtained from Road Emergency Plan. Managua: \\ \url{} \vspace{-1pt} % % Online Document \bibitem{science-online} Nicaraguan National Police. (September 2, 2022). National Road Emergency Plan. Managua: National Police. Obtained from the Nicaraguan National Police: \\ \url{} \vspace{-1pt} \end{thebibliography}